Having work-up done on your horse for pain or lameness can be frustrating and emotional. 

There are so many test options, so many results, so many medications, and so much conflicting information. 

  • Maybe you’re having trouble deciphering “vet speak”.

  • Or maybe you’re not 100% sold on your vets plan?

  • Maybe you just need some reassurance that you’re doing the right thing?

  • Or maybe you’re just not sure where to even start, or if there is actually a problem?

Consider having an Online Consult with myself. 

My goal is to help horse owners advocate for their horse, and learn how to understand their pain better. 

I have been treating and diagnosing horses for over 10 years now.

I speak “vet language” and can help point you in the right direction with your horse.

My role would be to help guide you and collate the information you have.

I can provide a third party, un-biased opinion on your horse and your situation.

What do I need from you?

Prior to the call I will need you to send me via email the following:

  • Your History.
  • Your Observations
  • Your Concerns
  • I ask for photos and videos of the concerns and movment.
  • To be accurate I also need the diagnostic imaging reports and vet reports that you have been given. 


** Note: Legally I cannot prescribe or dispense medications **

Book Your Online Consultation 

30min $88AUD

60min $155AUD


Book A 30min Call
Book A 60min Call

"Sabine is truly a wonder vet!

Over many years she has helped us with so many injuries, illnesses and mystery lameness cases. I wouldn’t turn to anyone else for vet care or advice for all my animals, as nothing beats Sabine’s professionalism, work ethic and desire to help her clients and there pets!

Sabine has been a miracle worker for us and she is the first vet I recommend to everyone! 

We have seen Sabine for all our dental appointments, lameness examinations and spinal examinations over the past 8 years, where I’ve never been able to fault her ability to determine the issue and come up with a range of affordable treatment options.

Additionally Sabine’s body work and manipulation sessions are amazing and the most thorough and effective sessions I’ve seen, which has led to such an improvement in my mares performance!

Thanks a million Sabine, our horses are living their best life possible thanks to you!"


My approach is a holistic one, taking into consideration a "whole horse approach" to management and care.